Temple Power


St. George 2021
The Mormons spend millions of dollars every year in upgrades of old temples such as this one in St. George, Utah as well as the construction of new temples around the world.  At present there are 168 temples and 36 more under construction.  They play a part in Mormon's salvation.  What Jesus did on the cross was apparently not enough.

"[Building this House] may be called a temporal work, but it pertains to the salvation of ourselves as well as our friends who have passed behind the veil, and also to the generations that are to come after us."
—Brigham Young
They place more faith in their temples than they do in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  The bible clearly says that any power we have over Satan is through the power of the blood of Christ and our testimony of what He has done (Rev. 12:10-11).  Historically there was only one temple in Jerusalem which was built according to the pattern of heavenly shadows.  God literally had to drive the Jews out of Jerusalem by destroying the old temple in 70 A.D. to get their eyes off of the material symbol of the old covenant.  Now our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  God does not dwell in temples made with human hands (Acts 7:48).  The beauty of Mormon temples however appeals to the carnal nature of man.  There is no place in the bible which tells us to build more temples around the world, yet the Mormons use these as a rallying point much like Muslims use the Kaaba in Mecca.  It creates a cottage industry for Mormon construction workers and for those who come to perform baptisms for the dead and marriage ceremonies.  They are also an attraction for non-Mormon tourists and a means for the proselytizing of new converts.  When you sign the guest list and give them your address you are soon to get a visit from the missionaries when you return home.

"Every foundation stone that is laid for a Temple, and every Temple completed according to the order the Lord has revealed for his holy Priesthood, lessens the power of Satan on the earth, and increases the power of God and Godliness."     George Q. Cannon   (First Counselor to Brigham Young)

Temple under construction in Moses Lake, WA 2022 next to new chapel ward.  This is the third temple in eastern Washington.  That makes for a total of four in the state.  

 "If we can literally be 'caught up' in any work in the church, it is this work relating to genealogical research and to the temples. This, because there is the spirit of Elijah. The prophets have spoken of it. The Saints have felt it; and following the inspiration of it they have come to the temple to do the sacred work for both the living and the dead."  Boyd K. Packer

One might wonder who these prophets are that Packer refers to when in fact Elijah taught nothing about building temples or anything related to genealogical research for dead people.

Mormonism is all about business and if you are part of the temple building program you are part of the inside club.  Keep feeding people the temple propaganda and you will always have a job.  Contractors with names such as CRSA, Johnson Carliers, Bowen Collens, Water Design Inc., Reavely, Heath, and Envision are part of the temple industry.



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