Another Mormon Hypothesis
Like many Mormon writers Timothy Ballard goes to great length to draw a connection between the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith and the divine destiny of America. In this case he connects Smith and his Book of Mormon with Abraham Lincoln. How one can find a parallel with Lincoln who lead the nation in a fight against slavery and the "white and delightsome" Mormon prophet who would not allow blacks to be a part of his priesthood is another page of fiction. But, Mormons are all about fiction as is the core of their religion. The author with a background in Mormonism and educated at BYU also spent a decade working for the Department of Homeland Security. His experience with trying to help those caught in the web of child trafficking caused him to see some parallels with the early American slave trade.
He wrote another book zeroing in on George Washington as well. Books published by Mormon publisher Deseret Books are designed to glorify the LDS church at all costs, never mind that the Mormons were pretty much at war with the American government until after the Civil War when Brigham Young had settled his followers in the Salt Lake valley of Utah. The author "a modern day abolitionist" searches for a connection between American divine destiny with Latter-day Temples. Well considering the Masonic cult connection I suppose we have something there, however both the Masons and early Mormonism is a cult fantasy that has little to do with biblical Christianity.
Ballard's latest work, with forward by Glenn Beck, makes a case for the pilgrims coming to America and the Mormon "restoration of the gospel" (that would be the Mormon gospel), and the gathering of Israel. When Mormons speak of the gathering of Israel however they are not referring to the restoration of Israel in the Middle East which happened in 1948, but the Mormon Israel which is their church. The author is big on angelic revelations as are most Mormons and he can be see speaking on the subject on Youtube. We must remember Joseph Smith supposedly got his new religion based on messages from an angel named Moroni. These kind of books play into the hearts of naive patriotic Americans who don't know the difference between and angel from God or a demon from hell.
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