Temples Built for the Dead

Though the doctrine of baptism for dead people is not found in any of the four Gospels, or even the Book of Mormon, it is a key teaching and activity of church members.  Great sums of money are spent on temples around the world for temple construction and temple ritual.  Of the old covenant of sacrificing animals in the Jewish temple Jesus said it is finish.  The Jewish temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. yet Mormons work very hard at resurrecting a new temple religion.  Below is the Salt Lake Temple one of the first temples built in Utah.
"The time will come when there will be temples established over every portion of the land, and we will go into these temples and work for our kindred dead night and day." 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - Lorenso Snow
LDS Temple in Rome
This  night shot was taken of the temple in Rexburg, Idaho
This view of the  temple in St. George, Utah shows how the town was built around it.  Temples become an attraction, not only for tourism, but for retired folks who can spend their time doing  ritual for the dead.    It consumes much of a church members life.
Mormons have taught that some day the U.S. government will hang by a thread and the LDS Church will come to the rescue, thus this temple stands in Washington D.C.


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