Larger than Life
As the Royal Family in England has made a cottage industry around the Queen, the Mormons have done the same around the fictional stories of Joseph Smith complete with registered trademarks, and copyrighted symbols of Moroni the angel in kid's games.
A few years ago a coffee shop having a little fun got in trouble for using a picture of Moroni the Mormon angel having coffee poured into his trumpet. When shirts and ads began showing up with Moroni doing coffee the church came after them with the big legal guns. Coffee is a no-no for Mormons so that was the ultimate blasphemy.
It is one thing to copyright translations of bibles in effort to pay expenses of printing and paying the scholars for their well earned labor but I wonder what Jesus would think of merchandising the message of salvation and symbols such as the cross? Why hasn't Rome made the cross a registered trade mark? They could demand that everyone wearing a cross would have to pay or at least pass some kind of catechism test. The Russians could register the Russian Orthodox cross and require jewelers have a license in order to manufacture such images. But nope, only Mormons register their Moroni angel and crosses are none to be seen.
A few years ago a coffee shop having a little fun got in trouble for using a picture of Moroni the Mormon angel having coffee poured into his trumpet. When shirts and ads began showing up with Moroni doing coffee the church came after them with the big legal guns. Coffee is a no-no for Mormons so that was the ultimate blasphemy.
It is one thing to copyright translations of bibles in effort to pay expenses of printing and paying the scholars for their well earned labor but I wonder what Jesus would think of merchandising the message of salvation and symbols such as the cross? Why hasn't Rome made the cross a registered trade mark? They could demand that everyone wearing a cross would have to pay or at least pass some kind of catechism test. The Russians could register the Russian Orthodox cross and require jewelers have a license in order to manufacture such images. But nope, only Mormons register their Moroni angel and crosses are none to be seen.
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