When Jews and Arabs spoke Reformed Egyptian

The Book of Mormon tells a story of a guy named Nephi  who lead a group of people from Jerusalem through the wilderness, then on a boat (actually more akin to a barge) to America.  With him was Ismael and his family (Arabs).  Strangely enough the descendants of these Jews and Arabs from Jerusalem did not record their history of events in Hebrew or Arabic, but something called "reformed Egyptian" (1 Nephi 1:2, Mormon 9:32-33).  Any bible student knows that the Old Testament was written in Chaldean Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek, but the record of Joseph Smiths new found religion was written in some unknown Egyptian on gold and bronze plates that he found buried on the Hill Cumorah in New York.  From these came contradictory geneologies of Aaron and others.  The biblical Aaron's father was Aram (Ex. 6:20) whereas the Mormon Aaron had a father named Heth (Ether 1:16).  The names of Aaron's sons differ as well.  After 344 days at sea (Ether 6:11) these pilgrims came to the promised land in America where there was silk and fine linen, along with cows, sheep and swine which were useful for the food of man (Ether 9:17-18).  Never mind that Jews and Arabs would not have eaten swine, this is Mormonism plain and simple.  Don't confuse us with the facts.  Now if one considers another problem that a journey to the Americas from Jerusalem on a barge compared to the trip Columbus made on a fairly advanced sailing vessel from a much closer place in Spain this Mormon story is a tall tale indeed.  From Jerusalem there are many obstacles whether one goes west through the Mediterranean Sea or east by way of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific.

 And now it came to pass after Joe translated these miraculous plates they mysteriously disappeared.


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