Mormon Poppycock

Anyone familiar with biblical language and the timeline of the New Testament events will have problems with the Book of Mormon.  In 1 Nephi chapter 13, which supposedly covers a time period between B.C. 600 and 592, we read of references to a great abominable church which has gone forth from the Lamb to spread the gospel.  The Greek word however where we get the word "church" was not even thought of much less used in the Bible during this time.  The Greek bible did not come into existence for several hundred years with the advent of the Septuagint LXX and the word gospel did not come about until the time of Jesus.  The writer of the Book of Mormon is playing to a naive and ignorant audience that would likely know only King James English and have little knowledge of ancient biblical languages.  In Doctrine and Covenants 76:67 there is even mention of a church of Enoch.

Another blooper appears in Alma 46:15 which Mormonism claims occurred in B.C. 73 those that belonged to the "church" were called Christians.  The bible records the followers of Christ first being called Christians at Antioch in A.D. 42.  Yet, the Mormons claim there were Christians before Christ even appeared on the planet.  No problem, as long as you have that burning in the bosom.


  1. Islam is basically doing the same thing by bringing up talking points they claim belong to them when they hadnt even existed as an organization at that point!Islam as an Organization came ot pass much later as well! The fact Islam created as rules all the moral and legal laws Muhammed and Allah broke on a daily basis and its quite sickening! Their form of legal system is a crime in it self against humanity!!!

  2. So anyone who really reads the Book of Mormon will realize it is another testament of Jesus Christ,
    If you believe the Bible or even if you don't, there is truth and light in that book that no amount of negative comments or propaganda can overcome, open minds and hearts will feel the Spirit. Try it for yourself!

    1. And you can get a burning in the bosom from a spicy pizza. Try it for yourself.


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