MORMON Temples

LDS TEMPLE WORK A Ridiculous Work and A Blunder by Dale Brown The ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem contained an altar for animal sacrifice which atoned for the sins of the living. A practice within the Mormon Temple however has given rise to one of the worlds largest genealogical research libraries. It revolves around a most questioned religious doctrine, that is, the salvation of those already dead through proxy baptism. This practice is reserved for an elite class of church members. Perhaps the most embarrassing thing to the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) concerning their doctrine of baptism for the dead is the Book of Mormon itself. The Book of Mormon is supposed to contain the "fullness of the everlasting Gospel." In the Doctrine and Covenants (42:12) we read: "And again, the elders, priests, and teachers of this church shall teach the principles of my gospel, WHICH ARE IN THE BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF MORMON, IN WHICH IS THE FULLNESS OF T...