Mormons, Prophets and plural wives

Why does it always end up about sex? When people believe you are a prophet and you take a liken to another man's wife or daughter, no problem, get a revelation from God and take her for your own. Both Muhammad and Joseph did it. One of Muhammad's wives was only six years old. Joseph Smith claimed many young teenagers who were easily brainwashed. He dreamed up a means by which he could be sealed to other men's wives in a "celestial" marriage and still allow them to continue to be married to the present husband on earth. This polyandry business was a clever invention by Smith. Many of these men went on to practice similar polygamist marriages themselves. The bible story about Abraham having sex with his wife's maid (Gen. 16) which turned out to be a nightmare, Joseph Smith put a new spin on it in Doctrine and Covenants (132:34-35) claiming that it was actually God's idea. This was Smith's way of convincing his followers that what he was ...