Glenn Beck's Nazarene Fund

Written by Peggy Brown Throughout the covid lockdowns and threats of more to come I have found myself listening to more talk radio. I try and get a full meal deal but had my spirit quirked by listening to Glenn Beck in the mornings. My radar was going off the rails. So I decided to do a little research and yep just what I thought. Glenn Beck has really been pushing the Nazarene Fund. It’s a knockoff of Samaritan’s Purse run by the Billy Graham and now Franklin Graham association. If you know anything about Mormonism, and I do, you will come to realize the Mormons or what they demand (good luck with that) to be referred to these days as ONLY Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have a knock off for anything and everything that a Christian or Christian organization has made successful. Let’s take the Light and the Glory books by David Manuel and Peter Marshall. Yep, they have their knock off of those books. Right down to the same exact stylized front cover artwork. Sa...