Mormons in bed with Rome

The 162nd Mormon temple was opened in Rome, Italy January of 2019 So the same lying Mormons that once claimed all other Christian creeds were an abomination and their professors all corrupt now do a publicity stunt with the Pope. Rome now has not only one of Europe's largest Muslim mosques, now Catholics who know little of the bible can join the Mormon church and get baptized in proxy for their ancestors so they can get in to the Mormon heaven. Though the bible tells us that God does not dwell in temples made with human hands members can pretend he does by getting sealed in the temple, providing your tithes are paid up and your local bishop gives you the required temple recommend. No non-members are allowed in the temple, it is reserved for a special caste of Latter-Day Saints. Italians can now fantasize about the Devil's brother, named Jesus, dreamed up by Joseph Smith back in about 1830 in New York. This Jesus they claim went to America. Neve...